Creating livable ecosystem for
A community
as simple and easy it may seem, is a complex ecosystem supported by an intricate framework of infrastructure. It includes the building, the spaces that provides the services activities and opportunities to the residents who are a part of that community. And who other than the community itself would know the complications faced by its people.
We at PIPAL are focused to provide planning services and support to make communities more livable. Livability is the sum of the factors that add up to a community’s quality of life and since we believe livability flourishes locally and requires local initiatives together with civic responsibility, PIPAL as an initiative offers to help the locals to find solutions to their day to day problems.
Connect yourself with PIPAL and connect yourself with smart solutions
from other communities.


Plan Development,
Land Use,
Land Utilization,
GIS Mapping,
Land Distribution,

Water Services,
Sanitation Facilities,
Drainage Services,
Waste Management,

Skill Building,
Micro Enterprises Groups,
Micro Financing,

Health Facilities,
Parks & Playgrounds,
Recreational Activities,
Community Facilities,